Customer Testimonials for Sunset Motors

Sunset Motors
Sunset Motors Sunset Motors
208-344-8735 $$$
Mar 16, 2024
I was looking at a car at Sunset for a couple of weeks.. The staff encouraged me to take it for multiple test rides and I did. In the end I didn't buy the car (or any car from anybody). Sunset Motors is no BS, no hidden fees. They have quality cars and the purchase experience is as stress-free as could be imagined. If I ever do purchase a car, it will be at Sunset
Sunset Motors Sunset Motors
208-344-8735 $$$
Aug 3, 2023
This was by far the best buying experience I have ever had. Casey and Chuck were absolutely amazing. Easy to talk to, easy to work with. The Yukon I purchased is simply amazing. The process was quick and painless. I would highly recommend purchasing your next vehicle from these guys, I will be back. Thank you so much fellas, you guys are the best.
Sunset Motors Sunset Motors
208-344-8735 $$$
May 25, 2023
About a month ago I bought a Lexus at Sunset Motors and I was half expecting problems with it, but it's been a dream suv and buying it at Sunset Motors was so easy. If you find the right vehicle for you, I say go for it!
Sunset Motors Sunset Motors
208-344-8735 $$$
3 Testimonials
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